• Weydingerstr. 18, D- 10178 Berlin


Even teeth that are as white as possible are an inseparable part of today’s ideal of beauty – we will bring you closer to your dream set of teeth.

People who are dissatisfied with the appearance of their own teeth often feel socially inhibited; many a smile they would like to show, but refrain from doing so. Beautiful teeth, in turn, are associated with vitality and attractiveness. Reasons enough to do something for dental aesthetics.

With our help, you will significantly raise the attractiveness factor of your teeth. In accordance with your wishes and ideas and depending on the existing problems, we will work with you to find the solution that will pay off most for you aesthetically – whether it involves whitening the enamel (bleaching), replacing old fillings, crowns, bridges, dentures or straightening crooked teeth. Naturally, we will advise you in detail about all the options available to you.